Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sunday, 17 January 2010

On Saturday, as we were in the car, driving to dinner, I heard a small voice singing in the background. It was soft, it was tentative, but it was definitely a Mandarin song. I strained my ears, and realised that it was one of the cute tunes sung by nat's Chinese teacher in class. I was impressed, my baby girl knew the exact words of the song.

For the last week, she had been saying she didn't like lao shi (chinese teacher). I think that she has a fear of Chinese, due to the unfamiliarity with the language. So, when lao shi sings Mandarin songs or tells stories, she would usually not join in and just watch intently instead. Yet, when it is time to go home, she would volunteerily seek out lao shi to give her a big hug. Probably, over time, she will become more comfortable with the language. For me, in my schooling days, I have always loved Chinese. Never really had a fear of it and always adored most of my Chinese teachers.

At the end of the day, teachers (even pre-school) ones are so important. They shape your life and affect your perceptions of so many things around you. I am grateful that nat has 2 patient teachers, who really seem to interact well and love the kids. This has helped her adapt more easily to her new school.


Over the last month, I have had some discipline issues with my baby girl. She is sometimes rude and often demands things from others in a bossy manner. Even at the tender age of 3 (soon to be), I feel that some form of discipline has to be enforced. Her pet phrase is "Go away", when she is angry, another favourite is "I want ...". These are definitely not very endearing acts.

For Lucas, he is generally a good boy. However, when you place him in the car seat, he has a tendancy to whine and cry. Generally, the usually quiet and peaceful car ride becomes chaotic and noisy and can be quite distracting at times.

Yesterday, I finally put my foot down. First, I spoke to nat firmly and sternly, telling her that little girls must not be rude. Ask politely for things and never say go away to others. Her expression was so cute that I was tempted to laugh (but didn't), that would have totally wasted my pep talk! First, she had a look of innocence and was wide-eyed. Then, she looked a bit scared. After my pep talk, I turned away and was silent for a bit. When I next looked at her, she looked remorseful. By the end of the car ride, she told me in a small voice that she would be a good girl.

For Lucas, I also spoke to him in a stern voice, telling him that a good boy must sit quietly in the car seat and not scream and shout. It is truly uncanny, the expression that both Lucas and his sister use are exactly the same. He kept quiet and kept glancing at me from the corner of his eye.

We had a nice and quiet car ride all the way home. Once home, I brought both to a corner individually and gave them a hug and kiss, telling them how much I loved them. This mode of discipline is not something I want to use all the time but with my kids, I do feel that they do need some form of discipline. I definitely do not want a bunch of rude and bratty kids as they grow older.

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