Monday, January 11, 2010

Monday, 11 January 2010

Today marks the second day of school for nat. She had a good time, which was expected, since parents are still allowed into the class. I think Thursday would be the real test, when we will not be in the class with her anymore. I suspect she may cry and whine a little ... we'll see.

On the way to school, I told nat that in a few days' time, mummy would just drop her off and pick her up later. Mummy would not be in the class with her. She said ok. Thereafter, she kept very quiet throughout the drive all the way to school. As we were about to get off the car, she quietly said "Mummy, will you sit with me in the class?" Only then did I realise that she had been mulling over the fear that I would leave her alone. Oh well, I guess I better try to give my baby girl more reassurance.

The highlight of school today, for me, was witnessing nat's independence in visiting the toilet. When she indicated that she needed to pee, I told her to tell the teacher, and surprisingly she did and trooped off with her teacher to the toilet. I spied from afar. She used the loo and washed her hands at the little basin, then stood at the side, waiting for her teacher. Later, when I asked her if she flushed the toilet bowl after use, she said yes and happily told me that the teacher had said "Well done". At that moment, I really did feel a great sense of pride.

We ended the day with our daily routine of flashcards and reading. Didi lucas loves the book "We are going on a bear hunt" and nat's favourite book is "The foolish tortoise". I finally managed to capture a video of her reading the book. Check out didi distracting her in the background, but nat is very focused when she reads. Enjoy!

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