Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I love being a mum of 3 kids. You enjoy such different experiences with each and every one.

For Nat, I must admit that she is really precocious for her age. Often, I find myself having adult conversations with her and yet at other times, she is still that little baby who yearns for your love and praises. It's hard maintaining a fine balance sometimes, over-praise her and she gets too proud and complacent. I find that recently, she has been rather angsty, displaying angry and rude behaviour at times, resulting in me being very stern to her. Yet, at the back of my mind, I know that for this little girl of mine, the reasoning approach may work better, especially as she grows and matures.

My baby boy, Lucas is going to be 3 in a week's time. How fast time has flown. His latest craze is the Diego cartoon and he loves everything relating to this character. He is at such a cute age, as his character starts to emerge and his vocabulary starts to grow. Like his sister, he loves role playing and he was so thrilled when my mum rolled up a towel into a cape and placed it on his back. He ran around the house declaring he is Superboy. He is super cute when he is angry, just like yesterday, when little Sam attempted to nibble his hair. He demanded "Mei Mei, why are you biting my hair?" and little Sam was oblivious to his anger and continued showering him with saliva. When he is upset, he will sit in a little corner and pout.

Baby Sam is 5 months old and brings great joy to all of us. Her wild maned hair is finally beginning to settle down and give her another one to two months, she could even start to look more feminine. She loves rolling all over our big bed and is also attempting to get on all fours and imitate a crawling motion. She still loves it when we chat with her and your heart melts when you look into her big adoring eyes. She likes to listen to music and on nights when she has difficulty sleeping, I will dance her to sleep playing music from my iphone. Breastfeeding her has been quite a breeze and I have made it past the 5 month mark, and going strong. Come 6 months, we will start her on semi-solids, that should be fun!

How old is Nat?

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

How old is Lucas?

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