2 weeks into confinement is a good time to share my thoughts on breastfeeding. As with nat, I always feel that breast is best and if possible, will try to give lucas breastmilk for up to 6 months. With nat, I lasted for 4 months, sigh, got lazy when I went back to work.
It's important to let baby latch onto you right after he/she is born. This latching should continue throughout the first few days, although, it seems a bit silly as the milk supply is not established yet. But believe me, it's worth it. My milk supply has since been increasing ... much to lucas' delight. In fact, sometimes, the milk supply is so much that I end up spraying "fountains" of breastmilk on him. To prevent this, I sometimes pump some of the milk out so that when lucas latches on, it's just right. Interesting hor, never knew there was an art behind breastfeeding?
Milk supply can also be increased by consuming the right kinds of food. I've been drinking lots of herbal soups, milk, milo, red dates longan tea and any other form of liquids that I can lay my hands on. It sure is nice though, being served food and drinks at all hours of the day, one reason why I always enjoy my confinement time.
As for nat, just like some of my mummy friends, we are all facing our toddlers' entrance into the terrible twos. She's a real sweetheart most times but when she throws a tantrum, you really wanna throw up your hands in exasperation.Screaming and crying are common occurences throughout the day, especially at meal and sleeping times. This weekend though, nat spent a lot of time bonding with daddy. Running around the playground, swimming at the pool, she's really attached to daddy and I'm glad for that.
These days, her favourite activities are drawing using chalk at the balcony and building stuff with megabloks.It's really not easy to come up with creative ways to entertain nat and sometimes it is so much easier to just put her in front of the television, but persist I shall ... and will look out for more interesting things to do with nat. Oh yes, if you look at the pics below, I am pleased to announce that my baby has given me my first flower :) am mighty pleased with that. Look closely, it's a small yellow flower in her hand.
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