Monday, September 01, 2008

Monday, 1 September 2008

Still here, haven't popped yet. Not too fond of this waiting game, hope #2 is finally ready to come out this week. They say that walking induces labour so this weekend I've been walking around, everywhere, let's see if it works.

On Saturday, my old maid finally went home. Brought nat along to send her off at the airport. As expected, Nat cried when she went off through the gantry, it's amazing how an 18-month old toddler understands that the maid is leaving and never coming back again. Anywayz, she got over it 10 min later when i bribed her with some MacDonalds.

The new maid has been quite good, but I shall reserve from praising her too much, it's early yet. One thing though, she's not a bad cook. Last week, she cooked fried noodles for dinner, this week, she cooked chicken rice. It's quite yummy!

All in all, have had quite an ok weekend, now just waiting for #2's arrival.

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