Saturday, September 13, 2008

Saturday, 13 September 2008

A quick update on life as a mummy of 2 :)

Nat seems to have adapted well to life with didi around. When didi cries, she runs into his room excitedly, running circles around us and attempting to climb up the cot to see all the action. When she realises that the cot is too high, she will turn to me and say "carry" ... so demanding hor. With the frequency of breastfeeding Isaac, I sometimes feel that I am not spending enough time with my darling nat. Although she doesn't seem too affected, I do feel guilty. Hopefully this will pass, I guess the most difficult period is these first few months, once we settle back into a routine, things will be fine. Meanwhile, every morning, I ensure I go into nat's room and tell her how much I love her when she wakes up in the morning and in the evening I always make sure I kiss her when she goes to bed.

Isaac is starting to show his fiesty little personality. When he demands milk and he doesn't get it fast enough, he lets out the loudest wail possible. I certainly do not recall nat having such a loud voice. Whenever you put him near the breast during feeding, he will open and close his mouth, chomping excitedly. He is definitely a night owl like his daddy. Come nightfall, he is curious and alert and always ready for milk. Luckily, I am used to surviving on little sleep.

I guess after the excitement of delivery, the hormones start to kick in again and I find myself being kind of moody. I guess it will pass, for now, do pardon me if I am being crabby.

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