Nursery rhymes are a serious business in our household. It's the only time when both kids are mesmerised, with eyes and ears fixed to the television. I just bought a new DVD from Amazon for the kids, Sing a song of Wiggles, with lots of rhymes and dancing. They love it. Only thing is that both kids are scared when Humpty Dumpty comes on screen, I can't fanthom why, though. I asked nat and she said that it's because Humpty Dumpty is scary because he has an eye patch over one of his eyes.
Today, nat was not feeling well, so we kept her at home to rest. Gary and I brought didi out instead. We began to remember just how much easier it is to bring a single 1-year old out as compared to 2 kids.

We started the day with breakfast at Jones. Lucas seemed to like the sausages, sigh, a meat person, just like daddy. He had a nap later and when he woke up, he was curious and reaching out to feel and touch all the things around him. It's nice spending some alone time with lucas, and I think he enjoyed it too. He is one brave boy, we came up close and personal with a dinosaur model. Initially, he was scared of it. However, he later mustered up enough courage to even touch the teeth. What a trooper!

We started the day with breakfast at Jones. Lucas seemed to like the sausages, sigh, a meat person, just like daddy. He had a nap later and when he woke up, he was curious and reaching out to feel and touch all the things around him. It's nice spending some alone time with lucas, and I think he enjoyed it too. He is one brave boy, we came up close and personal with a dinosaur model. Initially, he was scared of it. However, he later mustered up enough courage to even touch the teeth. What a trooper!

Yet, at the back of my mind, I missed my little missy, so we didn't stay out too long.

By the way, did I mention that pretending to speak on the telephone is one of her favourite activities? I dread to think, a decade down the road, the person on the other end could be a boy?! Hmm, should I nip this habit in the bud now? Lay down some ground rules first? Haha, we'll see.

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