Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Today is ballet day. Nat always has some seperation anxiety just before class and dropped a few tears just before class started. However, once she got into the groove, she was happy. Danced and pranced and generally focused on what the ballet teacher was saying. When she came out of class, she declared to me that she loves ballet. Meanwhile, maybe ballet is really making her more girly, she loves wearing dresses and sometimes even requests to wear her pretty dress to bed. We have a few old ones set aside, just to cater to her request.

With nat, I have been trying to get her to write the alphabets and she is picking it up quite fast. Mandarin is an area that I am still working on, been thinking what is the best way to interest her in learning. So far, playing Mandarin kids' songs on the radio seems to work and she is quite comfortable singing and listening to Mandarin. Will perserve and see what else I can find to interest her. She loves to doodle and we have notebooks and pens everywhere, just to satisfy her doodling desires. Check out her spider with two eyes and many legs. I'm glad her doodles have progressed from just scrawls to interesting pictures.

At 18 months, didi is finally speaking a lot more. He seems to pick up new words every day. I have decided to be more diligent and try to make sure I watch the alphabets in Starfall with him and flash cards every day. Some people do not believe in the merits of flash cards, but it seems to work for my kids. I don't follow the "flash cards at lightning speed" concept though, I take my time, so my kids can recognise the picture and the word that accompanies it. I'm glad that didi is picking up some words from the flash cards, like giraffe, zoo, wear, bear, bee. His favourite numbers are five, nine and ten, courtesy of Starfall.

When people say boys are more active, they are not joking. Didi lucas is like a little pocket dynamo. Every day, he climbs up and down the sofa umpteenth times, never deterred even when I drag him off and give him a stern lecture. On the bright side though, he seems to sleep better these days and that is great, as gary and I sleep better when he sleeps well. He loves swimming as much as I love buying cute swim wear for him. Check out his latest swim fashion! Cool?

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