Saturday, March 13, 2010

Saturday, 13 March 2010

The thing I like about nat's school is that they make an effort to introduce different activities for the kids, so that school life is not boring. On Friday, they had "Dress in Your Favourite Clothes" day. If my little miss had her way, she would have gone to school in her ballet leotards, tutu and all. However, we just settled for a nice dress instead. Sob, sob, look at her, all grown up with her backpack and all.

Today, the school had a carnival. The weather was great and the kids had fun playing little mini-games and doing craft work. We just discovered that didi Lucas may actually be left-handed, like daddy. He was attempting to draw something with a marker but whenever we placed the marker on his right hand, he switched it to the left.

Everyday, Lucas surprises us with new words that he verbalises. I brought him for our weekly walk in the park on Friday. We found a new play area, with wood chips scattered around. As he tromped on the wood chips, some chips got into his shoe. He promptly said "Ouch" and sat down on me, indicating for me to take out the chips in his shoes. I was greatly amused. Then, this morning, when he woke up, he pointed outside and said "Go out". I am sure that before long, my little man will be chattering incessantly, just like his sister.

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