Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Some of my friends enjoy a bottle of good tipple on special occasions like birthdays, and they make it even more memorable by drinking a wine made in their birthyear - a wine every bit as old as they are. I recently celebrated a mate's birthday over a 1970 Latour - stunning and aristocratic.

In similar fashion, I have put aside a number of bottles of first-class vino for the wifey and kids. 2005 was our wedding year and a magnificent vintage in France, so we have many a great Bordeaux and Burgundy for the years ahead. 2007 is Natalie's year - less successful in Burgundy but a sterling vintage for Chateauneaf-du-Pape and Sauternes - so she can look forward to some nice sweet dessert wines when she reaches the legal age for drinking. But it is Lucas who really has the stars of the collection - a fleet of the great First Growths of Bordeaux from the 2008 vintage, including Lafite, Latour and Mouton-Rothschild. I hope the boy enjoys drinking his inheritance!

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