Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

I have enjoyable memories playing tennis with my mum, when she first started me on it in primary school. She used to bring me along to her tennis sessions with her friends once a week. Armed with my HEAD junior racket that I was so proud of, I would join in their game and whack a stray ball or two. It continued for years till I mastered the skill and could have proper rallies with my mum.

Doing the same with my 2 kids. Nat is thrilled to bits with her new racket, didi lucas prefers to chase after the bright yellow balls instead. I am quite impressed though, nat can actually hit a few balls that I feed to her. I did some reading about starting toddlers on tennis, the bottomline is just let them have fun, good strokes can come later, and fun is what we had this evening. Just in case anyone is interested, the colourful balls are very light, meant specially for kids.

It helps that the tennis courts are just a minute's walk from our house. I hope my kids will grow to like the game, just like me.

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