Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sunday, 14 March 2010

When I first saw this product, a pair of chopsticks, meant to train young kids to hold the chopsticks correctly, I scoffed. But I bought one for nat anyway, quite a while ago, and it was quietly shoved into the cupboard, till little miss uncovered it today. She ran up to me and asked if she could open it. Why not? A few minutes later, she was picking up things, using the chopsticks, just like a pro. Paper, toys, anything she could get her hands on. I put my foot down when she headed towards her shoes, armed with her trusty o'le chopsticks and explained to her that chopsticks were meant for food. She was quite happy when I took out some grapes for her to pick up, using her chopsticks. I'm quite impressed by this product though, never thought that nat would pick up the skills of using a chopstick at the age of 3.

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