Thursday, August 27, 2009

Thursday, 27 August 2009

The night was still, the room was so silent that you could hear a pin drop. Then "THUD"! I literally jumped out of bed, that could only be one sound, didi lucas had fallen off the bed. These days, he sleeps between us and for the past week, it seemed quite alright and he didn't seem to move around too much. However, yesterday, I really do not know how he managed to roll to the foot of the bed and onto the floor. He was lying face down and was crying miserably :( I quickly examined him, he seemed fine, did not even cry too much, just some comfort from mummy and he was back to slumber. We monitored him for a day and he seems perfectly normal. Tonight, the bed guard goes onto our bed. Sigh, should have done that right from the start.

My little man has invented another game to play with mummy. When he has had his fill of milk, he will offer me his milk bottle and insist I drink it. I usually pretend to suck the bottle vigorously, and this gets him really happy and excited. Haha, oh well, anything to brighten up my kids' day.

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