Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tuesday, 28 July 2009

It's official, didi has just passed his sweet little boy phase to become a screamer.

He screams when you are slow with the milk, he screams when he is not beingcarried, he screams just for the sheer heck of it. But other than that, my little man is growing up to be a real charmer. He loves watching Mother Goose nursery rhymes with his sis ... and daddy describes him as being riveted to the TV, especially when the songs come on. Otherwise, he would usually just turn around and play on his own.

At Bintan, there was so much grass space for him to walk, he was very confident and had no fear of falling. That was where gary and I witnessed his first unaided steps. Didi is really cute, when he walked his first steps, he looked around expectantly at us (applause perhaps?), looking very pleased, then plopped onto the ground, chuckling to himself.

His favourite activity is to pull jiejie's hair, and surprisingly, my fiesty little girl actually allows her brother to do so ... for a full minute or two before yelling and complaining to me.

He is definitely daddy's little boy and is ever ready to leap into daddy's arms!

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