Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

We have been trying to teach nat to differentiate colours for quite a while already, but to her, everything is red. So we have bought her this new book, that hopefully will do the trick. There was a sale at Kinokuniya yesterday, so we bought some new books for nat to read. I am particularly attracted to this author called Eric Carle, who has written titles like "The Hungry Caterpillar". His drawings are colourful and vibrant and somehow, nat seems really attracted to them.

Check out nat's new books below. The spider book is to feed her latest spidey obsession while the other book, will hopefully help her to learn the colours.

Didn't really do much yesterday, though we did bring nat to Bukit Timah Hill to check out the monkeys. Unfortunately, the monkeys seem to have disappeared. I recall there used to be heaps of them sitting on the railings on our drive in, not anymore. Nevertheless, nat had fun at the playground.

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