Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Today, me and nat had a leisurely stroll at Botanic Gardens. It wasn't hot, she wasn't too cranky. We had a short walk, then sat down by the lake to admire the scenery, while she munched on her grapes. Ahh ... this is the life ... it's like what my pediatrician told me ... blink an eye and they are 1 year old, blink another time, and they are 3 ... before you know it ... they may not wanna hang out with us old fogies anymore :)

Meanwhile, i'll just treasure these times I have with my baby nat, when she still wants to be cuddled and kissed by mummy.

1 comment:

Blessed mum said...

Yes. This is the best age, so treasure it!

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