Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

I just discovered this nugget of information on a documentary recently ... did you know that a cesarean (c-section) is named after Julius Cesar, because he was thought to have been born that way. I wonder whether its the truth, but interesting, huh? Why this topic? I really don't know but recently I've been thinking about why people opt to do c-section instead of natural birth voluntarily? It's quite freaky thinking of someone cutting you up, while you are still awake isn't it? I'm blessed to have had a natural and painless birth with nat and hope that my little boy will give me just as easy a birth as his sister. Let's cross our fingers.

Recently, he's been kicking me a lot more, since we've reached the 20 week mark. It's a nice feeling, you know. Whenever he kicks, I do talk to him and we sometimes have a mini conversation. This bonding time between the both of us is good. The other day, when I was at Botanic Gardens with nat, I thought to myself, it's the 3 of us here, enjoying the music and relaxing for the day. It's good to keep your baby in your mind, even as you go about your daily activities. I'm also trying to be happy and not let irritating things get me upset or down ... after all, they say a happy baby in the womb is a happy baby out of the womb.

Well, enough ramblings for the day. Looking forward to Daddy coming back soon.

1 comment:

Blessed mum said...

ooo..i love that feelings hen th little feet or hands start to kick and punch or even stretch in there..

I had c-section for my first 2 babies due to some couldn't go for natural birth for the 3rd. I really missed out on the initiall craddling of the newborn... ; (

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