Sunday, April 03, 2011

Sunday, 3 April 2011 Caring for baby sam reminds me so much of my experiences with baby nat. The cute little rompers that hang on their scrawny little frames, the loud bawling, the innocent looking eyes that stare up at you when you are carrying them in your arms. I didn't realise how much I miss it. Check out the pics, the top one is of baby nat and the bottom one is of baby sam, dressed in the favourite duckling rompers that I absolutely adore.

This time round, although my breastfeeding experience was off to a slightly rock start (with engorgement initially), my milk supply has stabilised and increased such that I am even able to store a few packets a day. It's interesting how your mood and emotions are so affected by your milk supply. When you can't produce enough milk for your baby, you begin to feel guilty. Yet, when the milk supply sets in, your mood improves as well. I just can't figure out if this is just hormones at work or if there is a scientific rationale behind it.

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