Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday, 11 April 2011 Time flies so fast, baby Sam is almost one month old already. While her loud cries are enough to make you bolt out of bed, she really is a sweet baby. She has a curly mop of black/brown hair and loves looking at the musical mobile above her cot. Her siblings adore her. Nat draws pictures for her baby Sam every few days and delivers it to her cot and the confinement lady will dutifully hang up her drawings for Sam to look at. Sometimes, it is a picture of a rainbow, sometimes a family picture (with mummy holding baby Sam in her arms) and sometimes it is just so abstract, I have absolutely no idea what it is. Lucas loves to peer at Sam through the gaps at the cot and when he has an opportunity, he will gently stroke her hair and tell Sam, I'm Kor Kor. It's lovely to see them interact with one another. Just the other day, I was about to go to bed and I found a drawing under my pillow. It said Mummy, I looked under Gary's pillow and there was one for Daddy too. Nat is really into drawing these days and she loves hiding her drawings around the house for me to find and appreciate. Even Lucas enjoys drawing these days and he is finally able to draw smiling faces instead of just scrawling all over the paper. Another week of confinement and I'm looking forward to going out with my 3 babies! Not gonna be easy to manage, but we will adapt, we always do.

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