Saturday, April 23, 2011

Having been cooped at home with me during confinement, the kids were let loose yesterday at their favourite place, the Botanic Gardens. Nat and Luke have both progressed well, from not being able to cycle on their trikes to being able to cycle quite long distances. Only hassle is that it is quite a chore storing 2 trikes (nat's one is especially heavy) and one big stroller in our car. But well, as long as the kids enjoy it, why not? After all, without the clumsiness of being pregnant, I can help Gary with the lifting in and out of the car.

After Botanics, it was really hot, so we went to the mall to enjoy some air-con breeze. The kids were super hyper yesterday, while I was in a sports shop looking for a cap, they decided to entertain themselves dancing in front of the mirror. Haha, they built up quite a bunch of amused audience. Gary was wondering where the kids picked up their cool dance moves from? Yesterday evening, when they were watching TV, I realised that they had picked it up from this show called Boogie Beebies. What a cute pair they are, except when they are fighting over toys!

1 comment:

Exodus said...

Great moves indeed!

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