Sunday, May 09, 2010

Sunday, 9 May 2010

Didi lucas is a lot more active than nat @ 19 months. He loves to climb everything, up and down the sofa, lounge chair, bed. Once I even watched as he tried to haul himself onto his high chair. One does have to keep an eye on him at all times. Here is a video I managed to capture of him playing with our towel rack and attempting to do pull-ups. Haha ... funny little man.

Here's another video of nat singing. Ever since she started ballet classes, she loves to prance around singing and dancing, and she does enjoy an appreciative audience that claps after her performance.

Oh yes, I was introduced to this activity by a friend, clay dough. Basically, the dough can be bought from Popular, it comes in an original pack of white clay. It is a bit like plasticine, except it feels a little moist when you first knead at it. Using the dough, nat and I made a cooking pot, pau, pizza and a varity of other food items. Thereafter, we left it to dry at the balcony. When it is dried, the clay hardens. Next step, painting. I like this activity because it is kinda like two activities in one, and nat looks forward to the painting. Every so often, she will run to the balcony to look at her clay items and check if it is dry. One thing though, nat hasn't really learnt the art of differentiating paints, she just mixes all the paint together, so the colour ends up a rather yucky brown. Check it out! Well, it's alright, I still appreciate my baby girl's work of art, I think!

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