Saturday, May 01, 2010

Saturday, 1 May 2010

My son adores his big sister. For such an active little dude, he can actually keep still and hold his big sister's hand for five whole minutes.

Yesterday, I brought didi lucas for a trial tots tennis class. Besides Julia Gabriel, which focuses more on the singing/music & movement aspect, I wanted to expose him to various sports, and help him to better focus his attention. My baby boy had a wild time. He is so different from his big sis. Once the class started, he just trooped in, cast a glance at me for reassurance and he was off to play! I could see that he enjoyed the class, running up and down, poking his nose into the tennis balls and other equipments at the side of the tennis courts, jumping around with the other tots in the class. The coach was chasing him all around the courts and rescuing him as he attempted to climb over the net. At the end of the class, the coach suggested I wait another few months, let him grow up a bit, and he would probably be able to take instructions better. Will probably sign him up for the class next term. It was no surprise, after the class, he fell asleep the minute he was buckled into his car seat.

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