Sunday, March 01, 2009

Sunday, 1 March 2009

Yesterday was an exciting day for didi lucas as it marked a day of many firsts for him. His first swim at the beach, his first taste of baby cereal (porridge) and his first library card. He has been having rashes for the past few weeks as he is now in a drooley phase. My maid was just sharing that in her country, when babies have rashes, they brought them for a dip at the beach. Maybe it is something about the salt water that clears up the rashes, it's totally unscientific. However, since yesterday was not too hot and since we had already signed for the Sentosa card some time back, decided to pack the kids off to the beach anyway. I am super amazed! 2 kids, 5 bags of stuff - including the clothes, sand toys, milk bottles, camera, my own bag for miscellaneous barang. At the end of the day, didi's rashes did not miraculously disappear, maybe, just maybe, it does look less red and fierce. Babies are such natural born swimmers, look at didi and you can see that once you put him in the water, his legs start kicking away furiously. I always believe that one should start babies swimming as early as possible, that is when there is no fear of water and by the time they get older, they would already have been used to it.

By the way, if you look at the pic of nat with an 'o' shaped mouth, that's a surprised look! So far, she has mastered the happy, angry and surprised emotions, thanks to my flash cards. She is also very obsessed with the Gingerbread man jingle and yesterday, when I chased her around the house, she kept egging me on by saying "Run, run as fast as you can, you can't catch me, I'm the Gingerbread man!"

We have also recently subscribed to Jim Jam on Cable TV, which nat absolutely adores. It has got really interesting channels for pre-schoolers. Besides the usual Barney and Friends, Bob The Builder, Thomas and Friends, there are also other new shows like Igloo-Gloo (about 2 white seals in the north pole), James the Cat, Rubberdubbers (some plasticine looking characters in the bathroom), Bonny, Banana and Mo (animation), Gazoon (animals) etc, that I find quite entertaining, and nat loves it.

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