Monday, June 23, 2008

Monday, 23 June 2008

I thought I would quickly blog about this lest I forget. Nat has a favourite pet phrase.

On Saturday, we were having a spring cleaning of our house, something I've been meaning to do for a while. Home is starting to look like a pig sty and our guest room was becoming a storeroom, where we chucked boxes and plastic bags of all shapes and sizes. I'm glad to share that after a whole day of packing, the house is a lot neater.

Anyway, when Nat came into the room in the middle of packing, she went "Wah ..." . Later, when she saw the mess of plastic bags that I lugged out of the storeroom and piled up in the living room to be thrown, she went "Wah ..." yet again!

Sigh, my little girl is picking up Singlish at such a young age. Haha ... must be my fault, it's one of my pet phrases as well.

1 comment:

Blessed mum said...

she's cute!

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