Monday, June 16, 2008

Monday, 16 June 2008

Do all little girls naturally like to be pretty. At the grand age of 16 months, nat is learning to be "vain". I once lent her my hairband to play with, and she popped it right onto her head and walked around parading to everyone how pretty she is.

I also bought her a little baby bear dressed in a pretty little frock yesterday. Immediately she took out the little ribbon on bear bear's ears and placed it on her own hair, haha, that really got me laughing.

I really enjoy the time spent with my little baby and I hope that when #2 come along, I will be able to still give nat the full attention and devotion she has from me now.

1 comment:

Why Not said...

Hey, Jamie loves to put my hairband on his head too. haha. Not just that, whenever he lays his hands on a comb, he starts combing his hair, however little hair he has. :-)

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