Saturday, April 17, 2010

Saturday, 17 April 2010

I have always been a little concerned over didi's legs, which seem a little bow-legged. So, yesterday, we brought him to a pediatric orthopedic to have a look. The consultation did not last long, but at least I went away feeling more reassured. Firstly, doc said this is sometimes caused by the position of the foetus in the mum's womb (oh dear, must have kept him pretty squashed in there, sorry little man). The doctor did observe slight bow leggedness when he walked, but he also mentioned that as the toddler grows, the walking would stimulate the bones to correct itself. In majority of cases, by 4-5 years old, they would be walking quite normally. I was like "uh, what about the minority"? The doctor reassured that there was still something that could still be done to correct, if necessary. Hopefully, my little man falls into the majority.

These days, the 2 babies are becoming closer and better friends. Sometimes, didi lucas will even voluntarily run up to his big sister to hold her hands, haha, although the enthusiasm doesn't last too long. As with all siblings, minor squabbles and fights do happen, but they are forgotten quickly. Both kids love sitting with me at the PC learning the alphabets, didi is still at the A, B, C stage, but nat has moved on to phonics and blending of words. She can't quite get it yet, but good work anyway, baby girl. She is now quite adept at handling the mouse. They also love the games on the iPhone, that I am half considering getting an iPad, for them to play their games (haha, maybe one day when I feel rich, which could be quite a while away).

Diego and Dora are at the top of their reading list. I found a phonics reading programme based on this series that is quite useful. They mix simple words and pictures and make for an interesting read for the kids. Little Einstein still tops the DVD cartoon charts.

Nat's fave toy is her baby Sally (sigh, despite my persuading her Leia is a much better name, she still chose the former.) Didi doesn't have a fave, but he adores his Little Einstein-themed blue bag, which he carries around all the time.

Like mummy, my little miss is prone to mood swings, this is her being all melancholic. In such cases, daddy and mummy are to go to her and do silly things to make her laugh, no choice, it's part of the package of being a parent.

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