Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

My little man was born exactly a year ago. Time seems to have just flown by. I remember the excitement we felt as we welcomed our baby boy into the family, the fears we had of Nat being jealous of her brother, the sleepness nights from the constant breastfeeding of a newborn. Yet, looking back, there are no regrets. Lucas has been a wonderful addition to our family, bringing us much joy with his twinkly eyes and impish smiles. As he reaches his 1-year milestone, I sense some changes. He is delighted with his newfound walking ability and insists on walking everywhere. He is starting to test the boundaries and limits, when he does naughty things (like throw something on the floor), he will look at you and see your response before doing the deed. He still adores his sister, and is always watching and imitating her.

Happy Birthday, darling!

1 comment:

Why Not said...

Happy Birthday, Lucas!! :-)

How old is Nat?

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How old is Lucas?

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