Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sunday, 27 September 2009

Didi Lucas loves to sing. His favourite song is from The Wiggles about a big red car. Managed to catch a video of him singing, so super cute. There is another song he likes, which plays on my car CD player, it's an italian song ... whenever it plays, you will hear him babbling away, really makes my day.

Today, we didn't go out shopping or to the park as Daddy is sick with flu. I spent the day with the kids, singing, playing jigsaws, reading. Ok, I know this is going to be one of those mushy entries, but I really love my kids a lot. I like to peer in at the kids when they are sleeping and planting giant wet kisses on their forehead. I love smelling their hair, haha, even though it smells a bit sweaty sometimes. I love the way they chuckle and laugh when I play with them. They grow up so fast, and there will come a day when they will prefer hanging out with friends. So, I will enjoy their company now, while mummy is still central in their lives :)

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