Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

In the past, when I read blogs on how younger siblings naturally adored their older bro/sis, I used to scoff, such things didn't come naturally, or did they? After I witnessed my 2 kids playing together, I have now become a strong supporter of this theory. From the early days, when nat ignored lucas, to a period when she was intensely jealous of him and always biting or hitting him, we have come a long way. These days, nat loves giving big hugs to her baby brother and the duo enjoy playing hide and seek/peekaboo. The other day, my maid was carrying lucas and playing hide and seek around the baby cot with nat. It was such joy to hear nat screaming with glee and didi lucas giggling excitedly with twinking eyes, happy to be playing with his big sister. His eyes always light up when he sees her as she comes a-snooping round his cot to check out what he is doing.

I also love having conversations with my baby girl. We chat about all kind of things.

" Mummy, you cannot sit on my big girl dora bed."
"Why not?"
"Because you are too heavy, it will break, you sleep with me, on the floor."

"Mummy, my foot is itchy, can you scratch it?"
" Which part of the foot?"
"The big toe, can we wash the big toe when we get home?"

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