Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Yesterday marked nat's first day back at Julia Gabriel. It was a really different experience from last year. Before, she was just learning to walk, so she was content to sit in a little corner, playing toys and socialising with her little friends. At the grand age of 23 months now, she is super curious about everything around her. Most of the class was spent wandering around, touching, looking at things ... and basically ignoring the teachers haha.

I counted ... she threw tantrums like 3 times during the 2-hour lesson. She cried and whined when it was time to keep the toys, do the artwork, go back to class after running around the playground. Each time, I tried to bring her to a corner and "reason" with her, telling her that one must not be crying all the time, and she had to promise Mummy not to scream. She looked like she understood, but a minute later, she was screaming again. To me, this is a process that we have to go through together and I will try to be patient with nat. At snack time, she went a-looking for food after finishing her own and snatched her friend's biscuits, much to his dismay.

At the end of the lesson, one of the teachers looked at me sympathetically and asked if it was tiring taking care of nat.

While at the moment she is throwing her tantrum, you feel very frustrated, I know that this is just a passing phase for my little girl. As long as I am patient and teach her well, I am sure this will pass and she will once again be my sweet little girl.

Another milestone for didi, he flipped yesterday night. His very first official flip is dated Tuesday, 6 January 2009. In between waking up and screaming for his night feeds, somehow, he flipped :) I am so proud of my little boy.

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