Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sunday, 16 November 2008

Been an interesting weekend. On Friday, I went to the Croc's sale at Singapore Expo. Innocently, I thought that it was a weekday morning and not many people would be there, so I brought nat along with me. I was thinking we could just whizz in, pick up some nice cheapie shoes and whizz out again, maybe even drop in at the East Coast beach. I was so wrong. The whole place was filled with people, grabbing and shoving and nat certainly did not like the crowd. Since I was all the way there, I was determined to get nat a pair of shoes, 2 pairs actually, with some shoving. nat was so frus at being squeezed in the crowd, she bit me ... my little savage ... sigh ... i gave her a lecture later on how she should not bite people. She did look slightly remorseful.

On Saturday, we brought nat to the nearby community centre. I had high expectations as the banner had publicised a night of puppetry and music. Unfortunately, the puppets scared nat. The moment the puppets came out, nat whined to go home saying she was scared. Yet, as we walked out, she kept turning around to glance at the puppets. The truth is, I thought the puppets were a bit frightening too, so I was glad to go ... sigh ... aren't puppets supposed to be sweet and cute?

On Sunday, we brought the whole family, including didi lucas to the Hort Park for a walk . I enjoyed myself, I like the after effects of a good walk or workout, makes u feel energised and refreshed. Although bringing didi out is sometimes very troublesome, I like to make the effort as I feel that it is important for us to do things as a family.

Photos to come later ... too lazy to download now.

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