Sunday, February 24, 2008

Sunday, 24 February 2008

Nat cried a lot yesterday nite, no matter how I tried to pacify her, she still persisted in her crying for more than an hour. I wonder why babies cry? I figure after you've satisfied a baby's material needs like milk, cuddling, diaper changes, if they still persist in crying, it could be just general moodiness. Just like us adults, somedays we juz feel miserable except that as adults, we control our emotions and don't end up crying. I think having Nat has really built up my patience, after the one hour of crying, I still continued patting her and speaking softly to her, didnt lose my temper at all. After all, she's only a baby.

On another note, we also met up with our baby frens yesterday. It was a good meeting as I hadn't seen all the other babies for such a super long time. Everyone has grown so much, thinking back when we first became friends in May 07, all the babies were so tiny. Now they are all on the verge of walking and look so super cute. It's great having these bunch of friends. They know what I'm going through with nat and vice versa and are a great form of support for me.

During lunch today, we stopped by this Jap restaurant at Paragon for a quick lunch. Nat seems to like the soba noodles and was busy slurping it strand by strand. However, all the activities of the day must have tired her out, she actually fell asleep in the middle of munching a soba. It was quite a funny sight!

1 comment:

The Oxymoronic Bitch said...

should have taken a pic of her sleeping halfway thru the soba and post it here.. hee hee

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