Friday, April 06, 2012

We survived the first week, phew!

One week has almost gone by and we are still surviving, quite well in fact. It's been nice actually, I get to do a lot of things for my kids that I normally "outsource" to my maid. We have even had time to continue our daily lessons of English and Mandarin. Haha, no I have not become a supermum overnight, just that we are kind of camped over at my mum's house in the day, so I don't have to worry about the children's meals. Truly, I am thankful for this.

The kids have been real sweet. Nat is my most affectionate kid, always ready to come to me with a kiss. Recently, I started telling her how much I loved her (adapted from a story book about a big rabbit telling a little one how much he loved her). I love you all the way to the moon and back I would say. Then one day, Nat replied with I love you all the way to the carrot that the rabbit in the moon eats. Haha, I was quite pleasantly surprised. Looks like she remembers stories that I tell her after all, this particular one was a folk-tale about a kind-hearted rabbit who lived in the moon.

Lucas is progressing well on his wushu, something which I started him on a few months ago. My little man has come a long way since his first lesson, when he would just plop on the floor and refuse to respond to instructions by his "Master". These days, he is enthusiastic and listens intently during lessons. While I am not trying to tranform him into any kungfu expert, it has certainly improved his concentration and focus and even agility (poor little man is a bit of a klutz, haha, he is our only kid who has fallen off the bed numerous time since babyhood).

Sam, the youngest has quietly entered into toddlerhood as she turned 1 year old in March. Our happiest baby amongst the 3, she is always ready to give a big smile and toothy grin. Yet, this spoilt little baby is also the one who always wants our attention. We often get a laugh observing her as she whines, then looks around to see if anyone is looking. If everyone is busy, she actually plops down in her cot and contently plays with her toys. If she makes eye contact with you, she starts to whine, even conjuring up big fat tears at will such that you have no choice but to carry her. She loves big sis the most and often I see both of them in the cot (nat always freaks me out by jumping into her cot, with her inside). Nat will be reading and Sam will be drinking her milk, side by side. It is a sweet scene and one which I hope to capture on my iPhone and post on the blog.

It's been nice starting my blogging journey again. Not easy though, words seem to flow more easily in the past. But try, I will as I do want my kids to have some interesting stories to read of their childhood days.

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