We have settled nicely into a routine. Some days the kids will be at my mum's place, some days we will be at ours. In the mornings, I will either be exercising or bringing sam to botanics for a walk. Once a week, I will have one-on-one time with one of the older kids. I find it's really nice to do this, although quite tiring. While spending time with just one kid, you can actually focus your attention fully on them.
Last week, Luke and I went shopping at Takashimaya. He was quite the happy little man, chatting and singing incessantly in the car. Usually, when nat is in the car, all you can hear is her voice and just a few occasional chirps from Luke. As we window shopped in the different shops, he had fun amusing himself in front of the mirrors, and we even stopped to have a cup of bubble tea. Luke is definitely growing up, his attention span is better these days and he can easily spend half an hour in the room piecing his jigsaws together.
I met his teachers last week and was happy when they told me that he is one of the most polite kids in his class. They also showed me some of his "creative" drawings and I was amused to see that they have progressed from just scrawling to faces with eyes and nose. Even for nat, the teachers praised her for being helpful and ever ready to participate in class activities. Interestingly, when I was young, I used to view such parent-teacher meetings as sessions for teachers to complain about me. Yet, now as I stand on this side of the fence, I appreciate the meetings as an opportunity to catch up with the teachers and see how the kids are doing in school.
Happy 2 months old, Sam. At this grand age of 2 months, Sam is becoming more interactive. She loves to coo and smile, especially at night, in the comfort of the air-conditioned room. Gary fancies she keeps her brightest smile for him, haha, but I think it's more like her enjoying the air-con in the room. Her full head of hair is constantly drawing attention when we go out. She is the apple of her big sis and bro's eyes and they love to fuss around her.
While 3 kids is really a logistical nightmare at times, I feel blessed to have them in my life.