Friday, February 05, 2010

Friday, 5 February 2010

Time seems to have just flown past, today, my baby girl is 3 years old! Looking back, she has brought a lot of joy into our lives. Although, in my recent posts, I often express frustration over her "terrible threes", at the end of the day, I think this excerpt from a story I often read to her holds true:

"I love you any way you feel, no matter what you do,
I love any way you are.
I love you because you're you."


6 months +

1 year +

1.5 year +

2 year +

2.5 year +

3 years

She often throws tantrums and more often than not, her tantrums are directed at me. Initially, I was puzzled by this, but later I realised that this is her way of getting attention, especially from me. I really don't know what's the correct or best way of parenting, but right now, I am just trying my best to tread a fine balance between the hard approach and the soft approach. It's not easy, but I stand by my principle, I will not raise a bratty and rude kid in this household.

We celebrated her 3rd birthday with her little friends in school, simple, short but probably just as enjoyable to her as the larger scale party we had for her last year, with rented toy slides and all. Daddy took a day off and we spent a happy time with the kids at Vivocity, at her fave place, the water play area and Toys R Us.

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