Sunday, August 19, 2012

Where Every Child Matters

I first saw the logo of Saint James' Church Kindergarten on a school bus many years back. It left a deep impression in my mind, a little girl and a little boy, holding hands. I thought to myself then, what a happy place for a pre-schooler to be in.
Where Every Child Matters at St. James' Church Kindergarten Harding
Years later, when my eldest girl Natalie came along and was of schooling age, I did some intensive research on pre-schools, and lo and behold, guess who appeared before my eyes again? :) Our 2 little friends!
Saint James' Church Kindergarten is really a great place for kids to be in. The teachers, especially those in the pre-nursery classes are nuturing and loving. I have fond memories of hiding behind the bushes, watching my kids laughing and having fun in the playground, trooping to the little toilet cubicles for the first time (showing their first signs of independence), indulging in sand play. Our school in Harding exudes warmth and happiness amidst natural surroundings and this is exactly what drew me there in the first place.

Just this week, the school held its annual open house for parents. Throughout the term, the children from nursery-kindergarten  have been working hard on their respective themes. Natalie's class focused on the topic on Spots and Dots and Lucas' class focused on Flowers. I was really impressed by what I saw. The children had done lots of art and craft, stories and songs related to the theme. Looking proudly at my kids doing their song and dance performance, I felt a deep appreciation towards the school and teachers. The kids in this school are given many opportunities throughout the year to "perform", building up their self-esteem and confidence.

My youngest, Samatha will commence her schooling years here in 2014. I pray hard that she too will be blessed and able to enjoy the beautiful experience just like her sister and brother before her.

1 comment:

tintedsky said...

I've 3 kids too. Natalie and a Lucas too. You write very well and wish you would continue to share your journey, love to read more.

How old is Nat?

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How old is Lucas?

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