Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What have we been up to these holidays? Seems like not much, but every day, I am totally wiped out and fall asleep 5 minutes into lying on the bed, it never ceases to amaze gary how fast i sleep.

So far, we have been to Sentosa (for our staycation), Zoo (had fun participating in the face painting), numerous trips to the library (do you know they have really good DVDs for loan?). I also signed up Luke for Sky Gym at Turf City. He had a blast, although the kids have been going to play gyms, these real gyms with trampolines and equipments are a new experience for him. Not something I am likely to sign up for in the long run but not too bad as holiday enrichment. As for nat, we tried out something new these holidays, signed up for a cartoon drawing class at the community centre. Cheap and good! Next week, she is going for some plasticine modelling and cookery thingey. Something to keep her amused.

Lucas has entered full fledge into his terrible twos. He screams whenever he does not get his way. Recently, I have introduced the time-out corner to him. When he screams, I immediate whisk him to the corner to face the sofa until he stops crying. I can't say for sure whether it is working just yet, let's hope so. I don't want my baby boy to grow up to be a brat!

For nat, I have observed that she has a very competitive streak in her. She wants to win in everything and if she doesn't, she loses her temper. When I teach her Mandarin, she will get angry if I repeat to her words she already knows but sometimes even when you correct her wrong pronounciation, she will lose her temper. Again, this is something I am trying to influence.

With the 2 older siblings at home all the time, I haven't spent that much time with Sam. Hopefully, when the kids go back to school, I'll get back into my routine of walks and talks with my baby girl.
As I was lamenting to my good friend, it is scary how your children are so heavily influenced by you. If you choose to respond in a certain way, they could grow up with undesirable traits, so you must always be conscious of how they are growing and changing.

Haha, no wonder that I am wiped out at the end of the day. It sure is hard being mum to a brood of 3. Hard but no regrets :)

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