Monday, August 04, 2008

Monday, 4 August 2008

I think it has reached that stage in the pregnancy when things start to get mighty uncomfortable. What this means is that the tummy is big enough such that it makes it hard to sit down for long and one gets breathless easily. Sleeping is an intermittent thing as one is always waking up to pee and backaches become very common. Yesterday, when I went for my daily walks with gary and nat, I felt kind of tired. I suddenly had this panic moment when I wondered what would happen if I was walking alone with nat and #2 decided it was time to come out to see the world. I guess all these just indicate that the big day is coming and I'm starting to get jittery. I don't think I felt so insecure with nat. But gary just reminded me that in the last month before nat was born, this was exactly how i felt too. Hmm ... oh well ... another month to go ... wish me luck!

1 comment:

Blessed mum said...

That's why I never travel alone when I'm towards my last month...same worries as you.

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