Saturday, June 04, 2011

We recently had a short stay at Rasa Sentosa, a quick getaway and a needed family bonding and break time for all. With mei mei being so young, logistics is a big issue - she hasn't got a passport yet and I'm still breastfeeding her. So, Sentosa seemed to be a good option. It turned out quite nice and the kids enjoyed themselves immensely. Lugging 2 maids in tow, Gary and I even managed to stow away for some spa and couple time, nice! Here's a rare shot of the darling trio that I managed to get during the holiday.

Some updates on the kids:

Her reading abilities have certainly improved tremendously, something I am very proud of. Often, when the rest of us are wiped out and having an afternoon nap, this baby girl will curl up in bed, legs under the duvet covers and start reading for hours. Recently, she has also been asking me words that she doesn't know. Sigh, believe me, it's quite hard to explain what "peasant" and "shack" mean to a 4-year old (I think the words came from this story she was listening to on the ipad about a peasant fisherman asking a magic golden fish for wealth). She loves doing art and craft and was thrilled when we brought her to make a sock puppet during our stay at Sentosa. Every holiday, there is a storytelling event there, with interactive segments where the children can do art and craft. Last time round, we caught the story on the Gingerbread Man, this time round, we caught Jack and the Beanstalk. Here's a picture of Nat and "Jack" and the "Giantess".


He's my little darling, as his speech abilities have become better, it is easier to communicate with him and understand his wants.

Yet, he is also getting increasingly naughty, throwing tantrums, fighting with his big sister and plopping down and refusing to walk whenever he is tired. Well, this is the terrible twos stage after all. It's so interesting watching him to talk to himself and rationalising things out. When we were swimming at the hotel pool, he showed fear in walking to the deeper end of the children's pool, although he could still stand. So he would venture off from the shallow end, walk towards the deeper end, walk mid-way through, mumble to himself "It's not all right, too far, too deep" and walk right back to the shallow end. I had a fine chuckle watching him repeat this numerous times.

 Although he is often bullied by his big sister, he really adores her. He still loves doing jigsaws and currently it's the only activity that can keep him occupied for at least half an hour.


My youngest sweet little baby. I am so enjoying the experience of managing a newborn. As I was telling Gary, after having 3 kids, we have finally got the hang of it. When Sam cries, we generally knows what she wants. And unlike in the past when we would be so worried when she refuses to suckle, we are more relaxed now, knowing that she will do so when she is hungry. Sam loves "dancing" with daddy, who enjoys rocking her to sleep whenever he is free. We just bought a CD with lovely songs such as this and Sam falls asleep in daddy's arms with the songs playing in the background. Good exercise for Gary too, haha!

Her biggest fan is her sister who can't help hovering around, wanting to pick up meimei or planting kisses on her face. Even her rough big brother becomes a gentle giant when he is around her.

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