Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sunday, 23 May 2010

I have recently been spending a lot of time focusing on nat's mandarin. I am glad to say that the effort has paid off somewhat and she is definitely more comfortable listening and talking in mandarin. One day, I will write a longer post about it. For today, just wanted to share this interesting anecdote.

Over the weekend, I bought this book from Popular. It teaches good morals and values through chinese idioms and phrases. Nat is at an age when she is easily influenced and I think it is a good time to start teaching her such values. What I like about this book is that it is in the form of comic strips and nat adores comics. So we go though a few values a day. We don't actually memorise the idioms, instead, we just enjoy the comic together.

One particular comic strip she likes comes from this value. The comic strip shows a mum mopping the floor, she requests for help from her daughter, who keeps telling her that she will do it later. Nat can totally relate to this because these days, whenever I ask her anything, like how was her day at school, her answer will be ... later. She would rather be snacking or listening to nursery rhymes on the car radio. If you can see the picture, the comic strip mum dramatically faints in exhaustion, which sets nat off, chuckling away. I think I have repeated this story to her like 20 times since Saturday. Today, she gave the story a new twist. She told me that she had a new story and requested for me to go through the comic strip with her again. We started off with the mum requesting for help. Then when it came to the girl's answer, she actually said ok, instead of later. Maybe it has finally dawned on her that, as the chinese idiom reads, When requested to do something by our parents, do it quickly without lethargy . Good job, baby girl, keep it up!

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