Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

My little man has been down with a bad bout of flu for the past few days. Had fever raging from 38-40 degrees, making me very worried and concerned. Took him to the GP first then pediatrician when the fever didn't go down. Was sponging him with ice water to bring down the temperature at night. It made little man very angry and he would still struggle and protest, but no choice. Luckily, since this morning, the temperature has remained at the normal range and he is a lot more active and vocal. Poor little guy seems to have lost some weight in just a few days. I was telling gary, when your children are sick, this is one area you will never outsource to your maid. No matter how tired you are, you will still stay up the whole night, watching over him, and making sure he is alright.

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