Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Wednesday, 19 march 2008

I love the times when I am off from work and am able to spend time with nat. Today is one of those days. Met my baby friends at Jacob Ballas ... I always enjoy spending time with them ... seeing the babies (soon to be toddlers). Everyone's really grown a lot and seem to be getting their own personalities and characters.

My little baby enjoyed herself tromping around the sand together with her friends, although half the time, she was trying to "eat" the sand. And these days, she's really a lot more vocal. I'll post a video of her in this entry "talking" away, although half the time, we wonder what foreign language she is speaking. But I guess, in time, she will definitely be more coherent. I can't wait for the day when we can have a proper conversation, haha, although, that will be the day she can "talk back" too!

Work has been kind of stressful these few months, and it is at these times, that I always feel like being a SAHM. But I guess, I'll just grit my teeth and stick to it for now. I must admit I do enjoy the financial freedom of having my own savings and being able to buy stuff for nat. But, well I do look forward to the day when I can just happily stay at home and spend all day with nat.

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